Supporting Small Business
We support workers and we support those workers in small business. We understand the struggles many small businesses face, including shouldering an unfair tax burden compared to the large corporations. Small business is a major employer in this country, and we want to help small businesses thrive, not fail. In helping small businesses to make a go of it, we will include them in our plan to have a $50,000 tax free threshold plus other significant tax supports.
We understand the long hours, creativity and commitment that small business owners put into their businesses, often risking everything to try to succeed.
We will advocate to reduce overheads by pushing to have power and water companies returned to public ownership, thereby removing the greedy profiteering that now exists, and hits the bottom line. Our demands for investment in transport infrastructure will help drive down wholesale costs. In the 21st century, business requires fast, reliable access to information technology. We will advocate to have additional people employed to maintain the NBN to meet the needs of business. By supporting the apprenticeship and TAFE sector, we will ensure that business has access to a well trained workforce that meets changing business needs.
We will back small business not only in in capital cities, but also regional areas. We will work to revitalise rural and regional centres through our relocation policies, providing rebates for University fees for people who locate themselves in these areas. This will revitalise small businesses located outside capital cities with a local customer base as well as local staff.
We will ensure your business is not competing against those who aren’t doing the right thing by their staff. We will clamp down on businesses who are paying their staff slave wages, so all businesses are operating on a level playing field.
We support innovation, and will support small businesses who want to develop innovative technology to manufacture and grow industry in Australia.
We will back small business owners to grow their businesses, to help build a better economy. We realise your efforts are building a better Australia.